Parish Council
Over the past few years there have been numerous reports of a nuisance smell in Stanton. Stanton Parish Council have kept a log of the reports made to the council and supplied this information to Environmental Health at West Suffolk Council.
The latest report from the Environmental Health team At West Suffolk Council states that:
"It appears from these enquiries that the source of the odour is likely to be an operation close to the Wyken Road/A143 crossroads, Whitton and Frost & Son. This company collects and redistributes both mushroom compost and an agricultural by-product originating from the local British Suglar plant. It is the sugar beet waste which is the more odiferous and this waste is seasonal. The storage and distribution, which is mainly to farms in the local area, is controlled under a Waste Exemption issued by the Environment Agency.
We have visited the site and discussed the issues with the site operator who has advised that due to weather conditions earlier this year and delays to the last sugar beet campaign (which affected the through put of material) the movement of the product from the site has occurred over a longer than usual time period and the material has been wetter and therefore stronger smelling. We have requested, and the site operator has agreed to take, steps to reduce odour from the site by mixing some material. This will cause a very short period of strong odour but the aim is to reduce levels whilst hte remaining stockpild material is removed from the site.
As the site is subject to Environment Agency controls, further incidences should be repored directly to that organisation"
Enquiries 03708 506 506
Incident hotline (24 hrs) 0800 80 70 60