17 July 2024

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This update gives a reminder of the Accountability & Performance meeting later this week, detail of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Fund which is open to applications and an update on the PCC’s engagement programme over the coming weeks.  We would be grateful if you could share this with your network as you feel appropriate.


Accountability & Performance Panel

The Accountability and Performance Panel is a public meeting where the PCC holds the Chief Constable to account for the performance of the Constabulary and where issues are discussed and where appropriate, decisions are made. 

The next meeting will be held at Police HQ on Friday 19th July at 9.30am.

The first 15 minutes of the meeting is allotted to public questions that may be put to the PCC and Chief Constable. More detail is available at: Accountability & Performance Panel - Suffolk PCC (suffolk-pcc.gov.uk).


Meet the PCC and your local policing team

A series of informal Street Meets will take place throughout July and August so that Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore can listen to the concerns of the community. Tim will be accompanied by each area’s community policing team who will be on hand to address any location specific concerns and queries.

Tim said, “Public engagement is hugely important in my role as Police and Crime Commissioner, and I try to make myself available to anyone who needs to contact me but it is equally important for me to get out across the county to meet people in their own communities to discuss any policing issues they may have.

“I look forward to meeting as many people as I can and I can assure you all, your comments really do help me understand what is important to you”.

Detail of the Street Meet events are on the website, and will continue to be updated as details are confirmed:


Public Meetings and Street Meets 2024 - Suffolk PCC (suffolk-pcc.gov.uk)

NOTE - Public Meeting is being held in Stanton Community Village Hall on Tuesday 13 August from 10am to 12 noon.


The PCC’s Fund – applications welcome

We’d really appreciate your support in promoting the PCC’s Fund within the communities you represent. It’s an annual £300k pot dedicated to projects that contribute to Suffolk’s Police and Crime Plan (PDF, 3MB).  This includes projects which address:

  • Reducing reoffending/prevent crime, including the reintegration of offenders
  • Fraud prevention
  • The impact of drugs misuse on crime
  • Supporting young people (exploitation, vulnerability)
  • ASB/night-time economy
  • Supporting community safety.

Grants of between £2,500-£20,000 are awarded four times a year. 

In the last quarter over £109k worth of grants were awarded to:

  • Emmaus Suffolk: To deliver a programme of learning and development in hospitality, for 10 offenders, ex-offenders and prison leavers. £39,775 over two years
  • Ipswich Community Foundation: To support the Twinning Project – Leadership Through Football delivered in Hollesley Bay prison. £2,000
  • Level Two: Towards converting a freight container into a new youth/community venue at Beach Street, Felixstowe. £20,000
  • Pathways Care Farm: Towards the cost of woodwork courses to ex-offenders in Lowestoft so they learn new practical skills to help them when seeking employment. £16,200 over two years.
  • Right Time Counselling Services: towards a pilot programme ‘Recovery Inclusion’ working with Suffolk Probation to provide therapy in Lowestoft for offenders, repeat offenders, and recent prison leavers. £3,840
  • Union Romani Voice: To help the Roma community with housing, benefits, debt, health, legal, education, mental health and wellbeing. Outreach support that aims to reduce crime and disorder and improve community safety.  £10,000
  • Volunteer it Yourself: Towards delivering a facility improvement / refurbishment project at Sam’s café in Lowestoft involving and benefitting at least 20 marginalised / excluded / disengaged and NEET or risk of NEET young people.    £17,275

If you know of organisations who would benefit from additional funding, please direct them to theSuffolk Community Foundation website.

The Suffolk PCC’s Fund leaflet (PDF, 1MB) explains more.


For more information about the Police and Crime Commissioner please go to www.suffolk-pcc.gov.uk. Details of the 2024/25 policing budget are available in the Budget Leaflet.