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Vacancy for Parish Councillor

4 November 2022

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The Council has received the resignation of long standing Councillor Barbara Smithson for personal reasons.
Barbara has been a Councillor since 2007 and over the years has contributed significantly to the Village including being a huge part of the Annual litter pick and Fireworks event. She will be very sorely missed by all and the Council thank her for her service to the village over the years.
Big boots to fill but we now have a vacancy for a resident to get involved.
Many projects are on the horizon and the Council would welcome applications from any resident who would like to give something back!
If you are interested then further details can be found on the website at https://stanton.suffolk.cloud/who-we-are/councillor-vacancy/
Alternatively you can give the Clerk a call on 01359 408759 or speak to any Councillor.